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CROWD 03-04 (textile, yarn, flourglue, wood, stuffing, varying size) 2020/24
(textile, pigment,
varying sizes) 2022
EIN FEST (textile, yarn, flourglue, marker, 50 x 70 cm) 2023
costumes for the opera RED ROOMS at Schauspielhaus, Vienna, 2022
costumes for the opera RED ROOMS at Schauspielhaus, Vienna, 2022
curation of the group exhibition TIPSY TINA for Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, 2022
TIPSY TINA (video, 15:30 min) 2022/22
BIRTHDAY (textile, pigment, varying sizes) 2022
Interview for PW-Magazine, 2021
SOUR CHERRY LIQUEUR (textile, yarn, 380 x 320 cm) 2020
COCO'S WINDOW (textile, yarn, 185x120cm) 2019
PROP 03 (textile, yarn, glas, brass, light bulb, key, 40 x 12 x 12 cm) in collaboration with Laurids Oder, 2020
CHAPTER 01 (performance 19:30 min) 2020
costume project 4SECCO show at Georg Kargl Permanent, 2020
PROP 02 (silk, pigment, wood, yarn, 60 x 40 x 20 cm) 2019
PROP 02 (silk, pigment, wood, yarn, 60 x 40 x 20 cm) 2019
TARA PARTYTRAIN (textile, yarn, pigment, wood, plastic, metal, 180 x 50 x 80 cm) 2020
LISA (framed c-print, 54 x 74) 2020
COCO & CO. (exhibition detail) with the performed soundpiece SCRIPT, 2020
MELIE & TREE 01 (textile, yarn, wood, metal, 230 x 50 x 120 cm) 2018/20
Duoshow DOLLS & PROPS with Bartholomaeus Wächter, 2019
curation and direction of the group exhibition and performance (17:10 min) DROWNING PROM QUEEN in collab. with E++, 2018
curation and direction of the group exhibition and performance (8:30 min) DER SANDWASSERZERG, 2017
CASSY (replica sceleton, silk, yarn, pigment, wood, lace, yarn, modeling clay,
glas fragments, varying size) 2017/18
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